Megan’s Month: June 2017


June was so good to me, and I know I say this every month, but I can’t believe it’s over already.

One month closer to Ian’s first birthday.

One month closer to Christmas.

One month closer to meeting my nephew.

I swear the older I get the month’s go by faster.

How do I make it stop?

There was something different about this month, it marked the end of an era.

The end of the first seven years of my twenties.

Pretty Little Liars ended.

All month I’ve been thinking about how much closer I was getting to the finale of Pretty Little Liars, I just kept doing what I do with a lot of things..thinking it’ll never actually happen until it does.

Tuesday rolled around and I texted my sister to come over and watch it with me, Ben and Jerry’s and all. She agreed, because who can turn down Ben and Jerry’s? The more the day passed the more I thought about it, a huge part of our twenties was almost over.

Seven years ago brings you back to the summer of 2010. Pretty Little Liars was coming back from their mid season break and I begged Janelle to start the show with me, at that point the only show I had ever been obsessed with was Lost, but I didn’t expect what would happen next.

Every Tuesday during the winter and summer for seven years Janelle and I would gather around the TV and watch the drama unfold in the town of Rosewood. We would get so into it, discussing fan theories as to who A was, and gasping when something dramatic happened..

which was always fyi.Β 

This show was the only show that Janelle and I watched exclusively together. It was our thing. Even when I moved out, she came over to watch it and when she didn’t come over we would text about what was unfolding. I didn’t realize until Tuesday just how big a part of our lives that show was.

It was our ritual, it was us.

I get super attached to things, and I hold on to them and the memories they make.

It’s what I do..and this was no exception.

I texted Janelle asking why I was so weirdly emotional about the ending of Pretty Little Liars.

Then it clicked, it was ending.

Our Tuesday ritual.

Yeah we have other shows, but that was the first. It was the first seven years of our twenties.

And after that two hour finale we would never get it back.

Yes I know..

I’m dedicating half of my monthly review to a teenage drama tv show..but it was such a big part of our lives.

It was our early adulthood turned into our late twenties.

It was all of our summer nights glued to the tv genuinely happy to be in that moment with each other.

Things will keep getting different sooner than Β later.

Janelle will be a mom, and a great one at that, and we might not have that one show that captivates us as much as Pretty Little Liars did, and that’s ok.

I’ll always cherish those new memories and the ones we will soon make watching our sons grow up together less than a year apart in age.

I know it’ll be magical.

I just get so attached to the smallest things, holding onto them, fearing that things won’t be the same once they’re gone.

My favorite senior just graduated and I’m no longer her coach.

Ian is growing closer and closer to a year old and I can’t figure out how to pause it.

Time won’t slow down even though I keep asking.

That’s the most fascinating thing to me, how fast life happens.

I’ll never stop being amazed by it.

June brought more to me than just Pretty Little Listen, I promise.

June brought summer, and summer brings summer vacation. Jason gets to spend time with Ian and I can’t wait to hear about the days they’re going to have.

June reminded me how much I miss running, and the last week of the month was spent running every day.

June reminded me that I need to let go sometimes, that it’s okay.

Some other random things that I’ve been into this month..

The Office

Iced Coffees with Almond Milk



Talking with my sister on the phoneΒ 

Hanging out with friends I haven’t seen in a while

Boomerangs on Instagram

Thank you June, thank you for reminding me that sometimes you can let go of things. That it doesn’t mean its the end, just the start of something new. Thank you for pushing me to start running again and giving me 80 degree days.

You da real MVP.

Soundtrack to June 2017…the entire LANY album because I’m obsessed and it’s seriously everything that I’ve listened to this month.


Quote of the Month:

“Life is a collection of moments.”


One thought on “Megan’s Month: June 2017”

  1. I’ve been meaning to start watching PLL for about 2 years and this may finally give me the push.
    If you want other things to watch, give gossip girl, Luther (don’t know if you’re British or not, sorry), vampire diaries (a bit girly) or revenge a go. Some of my favourite shows that I got prettty addicted too, once I got over some of the cheese. x


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